CPA's Official Publication

Contract Manufacturing and Packaging, published three times per year, provides the latest news and solutions for contract manufacturers and packagers.

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CPA's Official Publication
New AI-Driven RFQ Tool Now Available

The future is here! CPA has announced the launch of a new AI driven RFQ tool. It is called CoPack Connect® (CPC) . The benefit for CPA members is a new technology platform to increase your visibility, while generating better business requests. All this is coming to you at NO cost as a CPA member.  A huge bump in the value proposition for your CPA membership.

become a member today!

CPA, The Association for Contract Packagers and Manufacturers, is made up of members who are the nation’s leading contract packagers and contract manufacturers (CP/CMs). CPA provides top-notch business development support, industry education, networking opportunities and industry intelligence. Learn how we help our members each and every day! Become a CPA member to gain access to industry expertise and best practices and be actively supported and promoted throughout the year.

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Value-Add Programs

request for quote

The CPA’s Request for Quote (RFQ) tool allows an automated submission to CPA Members to securely submit their project details and needs. Your Request for Quote will be dispatched to CPA Members whose capabilities match your project needs, and if they can assist you, will contact you directly about their services and capabilities.

Why Use a Contract Packager

  • No available in-house equipment or expertise for a particular job
  • Geographically separated facilities could serve the product better for national distribution
  • Non-standard packaging requiring special machinery or labor intensive work is specified